Unravel Lab
The Unravel Lab provides men with impactful, focused courses to jumpstart growth in specific areas of their life.
Unlike a class, group, or seminar, these self-guided studies create opportunities for meaningful discovery, work, testing, dialogue, and next steps.
Every offering is designed to help men get from DESIRE to ACTION:
- Reveal where you are and where you really want to be.
- Clarify your thinking and ultimate goals.
- Refocus your efforts in motivating, practical ways.
Each Unravel Lab costs $20, and is an approximately six hour commitment, with men completing the training on their own time. They are open to all men.

On The Fence?
Unravel: GO is a free, six-week experience designed to give you a taste of what Unravel is all about. It is simple, straightforward, and self-directed.
If you’re looking to find purpose or begin a new chapter in your life, this course is for you.