A person reaching toward the sun, representing life's purpose.

What is My Purpose in Life?

Jul 28, 2022

As we age, grow, and change, seeking out the purpose of our life isn’t just a search for happiness. It’s a way to center our beliefs and help create our own image of success.

It’s very easy to move through life without stopping to consider our purpose for existing. Simply “going through the motions” is all too easy, but where does that lead us? How can we be expected to make meaningful change if we do not understand why we’re here? And, as the years pass, we may quickly find ourselves without focus or meaning. We may even feel like we’re wandering aimlessly, easily distracted from our goals and blind to what really matters.

Life is like a garden. You get out what you put in, and you have to actively cultivate your future if you want something beautiful to grow. Figuring out your purpose is one of the best ways you can do that. It’s crucial when developing your goals, making commitments, and affirming your beliefs.

How to Find Your Purpose

In the wise words of pastor Andy Stanley, “The starting point for purpose is ‘Who am I here for? Who are we here for?’” Purpose is not a thing – it is our connection to the world and what tethers us to existence. More than that, it is our connection to God, and the way we accomplish what He has asked of us.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

To find your purpose, you need to reframe what it is that you’re looking for. We define our purpose first by acknowledging we are here for God’s plan, and then by determining how we best know Him, love Him, and serve Him during our brief time on this earth.

We find our purpose by connecting the dots between what God asks of us and how we are going to deliver. The answer we find provides the blueprint for what comes next, informing our relationships and giving real meaning to every moment ahead.

3 Steps to Discovering Your Purpose

If you want to know your purpose, just ask Him. Yes, it really is that simple. God chooses how we serve, and it is only through knowing Him that we can identify our mission and work toward it in our daily lives.

As you pray for and seek out your purpose, follow these three steps to guide your conversation with God and hone in on why He made you and what He expects from you.

Step 1: Ask about the purpose of creation

God created all things, and He did so for a reason. His ultimate purpose is to manifest His glory, and He created men and women in His image to love and serve Him.

Step 2: Ask what is expected of people

In serving God, we are expected to both know Him and invite others to know Him.

Step 3: Ask about His purpose for you

What can you do to contribute to God’s plan? How can you actively work to know God and share His love with others? He gave you specific skills and talents for a reason, and it’s your responsibility to interpret these gifts as they relate to your purpose.“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)

How to Find Meaning in Life

Discovering meaning in life is easy once you realize that our purpose and identity are to be found in Christ. In addition to conversing with God about His plan for you, here are some other things that you can do to find your spiritual purpose. 

  • Build your ark. Okay, not literally. But do strengthen your safety net, focusing on the people, places, and things that root you to the ground. This will likely include your family and spiritual community, as well as the beliefs that form the foundation of your life’s mission.
  • Get out of your comfort zone. We grow through challenges. Push your own boundaries to really find out what you’re capable of, taking inspiration from those who faced immense challenges before you.
  • Look to your circle of influence. “Your greatest contribution to the world may not be something you do but someone you raise,” says Stanley. Ask yourself how you can further your purpose through your children, your co-workers, those you lead, and how you can help them discover their purpose too.

At Unravel, we want to help you rise to God’s calling and live a life of purpose. So join a support group, and learn alongside men from all walks of life who are on a similar journey toward excellence and accountability.