Striving For Excellence is Good for the Spirit

Striving For Excellence is Good for the Spirit

“Excellence is a better teacher than mediocrity. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary.”– Warren G. Bennis (founding Chairman, USC Leadership Institute) No one is going to tell...
The Only Way to Get What You Want – Unravel

The Only Way to Get What You Want – Unravel

A lot of people arrive in February with the same feeling: Regret. We are not talking about hangovers. We are talking about resolutions. January seemed like a natural moment to consider how your future will be different. This is a brand new year, and you might want to...
How to Make Wise Decisions

How to Make Wise Decisions

Learning how to make wise decisions is vital for carving out the right path in life. It’s also key to your spiritual development, ensuring that you have the insight needed to make choices that align with your values, your beliefs, and your larger purpose. As John...
What is My Purpose in Life?

What is My Purpose in Life?

As we age, grow, and change, seeking out the purpose of our life isn’t just a search for happiness. It’s a way to center our beliefs and help create our own image of success. It’s very easy to move through life without stopping to consider our purpose for...